City of York Council

                             Committee Minutes




14 September 2023


Councillors Douglas (Chair), Kilbane (Vice-Chair), Coles, Kent, Lomas, Pavlovic and Webb



In Attendance


Officers in Attendance

Councillor Ravilious


Councillor Ayre


Ian Floyd – Chief Operating Officer

Debbie Mitchell – Chief Finance Officer

Frances Harrison – Head of Legal

Jamaila Hussain - Corporate Director Adults and Integration

Martin Kelly - Corporate Director, Children's and Education

Neil Ferris - Corporate Director of Place

Abid Mumtaz - Head of All Age Strategic Commissioning, Contracts and Quality

Ruth Hine - Public Health Specialist Practitioner - Advanced







20.         Declarations of Interest (17:31)


Members were asked to declare at this point in the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest or other registerable interest they might have in respect of business on the agenda, if they had not already done so in advance on the Register of Interests. None were declared.





21.         Minutes (17:31)


Resolved:  That the minutes of the Executive meeting held on 13 July 2023 be approved and then signed by the Chair as a correct record.







22.         Public Participation (17:31)


It was reported that there had been 4 registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.


Gwen Swinburn asked for amendments to provide greater information and clarity regarding the Council’s forward plan, annexes to reports, and the equalities impact assessment reports. She asked that strategies which feed into the Council plan be published together and requested that calculations for the allocations of ward funding budgets be published.


Flick Williams raised issues that the delivery of new electric buses in the city had not come with improved accessibility for those with disabilities. She highlighted that only one space for wheelchair users created barriers to travelling on public transport in the city. She also raised concern that the new Haxby railway station has not had level boarding confirmed and that with no guarantee of staff being at the station this would be another barrier to disabled users being able to travel.


Cllr Hollyer raised concerns relating to the formula used to allocate ward funding. He noted that areas with similar levels of deprivation but larger populations in the city were to receive lower levels of funding than wards with smaller populations. He also raised concerns other the process of approving the ward funding budget at Full Council and asked the decision be brought forward again to a future meeting.


Denise Craghill recommended that the Council introduce charges for green waste collections. She noted that other councils had introduced charges which had not reduced uptake and suggested the scheme could be opened up to areas which currently don’t have access to green waste collections. She also requested additional information on housing provision for people with multiple complex needs and what impact if any there will be to general repairs and housing services with the increase in capital revenue spending on housing.





23.         Forward Plan (17:46)


Members received and noted details of the items that were on

the Forward Plan for the next two Executive meetings at the

time the agenda was published.



24.         Approval of the Council Plan 2023-2027 (17:47)


Executive considered the One City, For All draft City of York Council’s corporate strategy for 2023-2027 which they were asked to approve and recommend to Full Council for final approval. The Chief Operating Officer outlined the role of the strategy in how the Council operates.


The Executive Leader noted the collaborative work between officers and Executive Members to bring the strategy together. She outlined the key priorities within the strategy including equalities, affordability climate, and health. The Executive Leader noted that the Executive wanted to be ambitious for the city but would be challenged by the current financial challenges to the Council.




                      i.       Approved the Council Plan and recommended it to Council for final approval on 21 September 2023.


Reason:     Approving the Council Plan will mean Executive has,

through the Council Plan, made a clear statement of the council’s vision and purpose and as a result, the Council Plan will guide the council’s priorities, providing a framework for financial and performance management, including dealing with competing demands and defining a programme to ensure best-value for residents.





25.         Building Lease for Drug and Alcohol Service (18:06)


The Public Health Specialist Practitioner outlined the requirement for lease arrangements to be regulated for premises from which the York Drug and Alcohol Service currently operates. She verified that there was no change proposed which would substantially affect the delivery of the service. It was confirmed that new lease arrangements would be sought because existing ones have lapsed and that it was necessary to provide assurances, that premises will be provided for service delivery to potential bidders for this year’s Invitation to Tender for the York Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Service contract due to start from 1 July 2024.


The Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care welcomed the report and noted that despite budget pressures it was vital that these services continue. The Executive Member acknowledged the importance of providing a location for drug and alcohol services to operate from. The Leader of the Liberal Democrat group enquired about a reduction to funding of substance misuse support and the Executive Member confirmed that they would write to the Leader of the Liberal Democrat group regarding funding of substance misuse support.






                      i.       That the negotiation and completion of the Bowes Morrell lease with York Conservation Trust pursuant to the Heads of Terms outlined the executive paper, and otherwise on substantively the same terms as the Previous Lease be approved;

                     ii.       That the grant of a proposed sub-lease of Bowes Morrell House at a peppercorn rent to any and each of the existing service provider or any service provider appointed pursuant to the proposed tender for the appropriate term of the associated service contract be approved;

                    iii.       That the grant of a proposed lease of 3 Blossom Street at a peppercorn rent to any of the existing service provider or any service provider appointed pursuant to the tender for the appropriate term of the associated service contract be approved;

                   iv.       That the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Director of Governance is authorised, to:

(i) decide the provisions of the new headlease and of the necessary sub-leases; including the amount of any rents payable by or to the Council pursuant to the headlease and sub-leases; and

(ii) conclude and effect entry into of the new headlease and the necessary sub- leases


Reason:     The rationale for the recommendations is to enable drugs and alcohol treatment and recovery services to operate effectively from suitable buildings.






26.         All Age Commissioning Strategy (18:11)


The Corporate Director of Adults and Integration noted that York had not had an All Age Commissioning strategy before. She confirmed that the strategy would work to support objectives within the Council Plan and highlights the Council’s focus on supporting people to remain at home independently for longer, supporting young people preparing for adulthood to have access to services that are personalised to their needs as well as reducing the reliance on crisis care.


The Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care welcomed the strategy and noted the importance to ensure the Council was commissioning care effectively. She noted the financial challenges faced by the Council and the importance to spend effectively. Funding for supporting people with disabilities and in community care was discussed and the Corporate Director of Adults and Integration outlined that the Council had previously had an expensive practice in relation to commissioning. The Corporate Director confirmed that practice related to work during the pandemic had been expensive and that the new strategy would provide better outcomes while being more cost effective.




                      i.       Approved the all age commissioning strategy and delegate any changes to the strategy to Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care and the Corporate Director of Adult services and Integration (DASS).


Reason:     The Commissioning Strategy form part of the core requirements under the Care Act 2014 and the Children’s Act 2004. This Strategy underpins the current Market Position Statement as well as conforming to the expectations of the CQC assurance framework.





27.         Finance & performance monitor 1 (18:24)


The Chief Finance Officer outlined the financial challenges to the Council particularly in Childrens and Adults social care. She confirmed that these challenges were not unique to York and were effecting local authorities around the country. She outlined that the Council currently had a projected £11.4 million overspend which would require immediate action to reduce. She also confirmed that the York Museums Trust had asked for a further extension of credit to March 2025. The Chief Finance Officer clarified the decision regarding Council’s decision on Ward Committee funding could be found at paragraph 30 of the report. Finally a correction was also noted, the table at paragraph 20 of the report refers to 2023/24 not 2022/23.


Members discussed the use of spot purchasing of care home beds which were used particularly during the pandemic. The Corporate Director Adults and Integration confirmed that spot purchasing had been ended but that there was legacy costs associated with spot purchasing. She confirmed that there had been a reduction in individuals going into residential beds since ending spot purchasing and that this had not resulted in a delay in care, instead she noted that the Council had undertaken a greater consideration of care that was required.


The Executive Member for Finance, Performance, Major Projects and Equalities confirmed that the Executive aimed to manage the Council’s finances to ensure it does not have to declare bankruptcy. The Executive Member confirmed that they were working alongside officers to identify budget savings while aiming to deliver on statutory services. She noted the request during public participation to consider options such as charging for green waste collections and confirmed that a report would be brought on this topic to explore options. 


Addressing the Council’s current and previous projected overspends were discussed. The Chief Finance Officer confirmed that in previous years access to largely one of funds, such as reserves relating to addressing costs from the pandemic had supported the Council in addressing overspends.


The Executive Leader invited the Leader of the Liberal Democrat group to co-sign a letter to central government for a fair funding deal for the Council. He agreed to co-sign the letter and encouraged the Executive Leader to continue engagement from the previous administration with F20 group of lowest funded local authorities to add weight to the Councils request.




                      i.       Noted the finance and performance information;

                     ii.       Noted that management actions have already been

implemented to exercise budget management but that further controls are now needed;

                    iii.       Noted that there will be a negative impact on the Council’s medium term financial position should the proposed mitigations not be delivered;

                   iv.       Noted that further work and savings will be needed to fully mitigate the forecast overspend;

                     v.       Noted that further work will be undertaken to explore the potential for generating income through provision of some non-statutory services such as green waste collection.

                   vi.       Approved officers to take the actions needed to manage the financial position as outlined in paragraphs 14 and 15 of the report.

                  vii.       Approved increase in car parking charges by 10p per hour as set out in paragraphs 81 and 82 of the report to be implemented as soon as practicably possible. The Corporate Director of Place will liaise with the Executive Member for Economy & Transport to determine the exact date.

                 viii.       Approved a further extension to March 2025 for the letter of credit to York Museums Trust as outlined in paragraphs 26 to 28 of the report.

                   ix.       Noted the potential requirement for match funding in respect of the YMT grant bid as set out in paragraph 29 of the report.

                     x.       Confirmed that the officer decision around ward funding allocations is implemented as planned (see paragraphs 30 to 31 of the report).


Reason:     to ensure expenditure is kept within the approved budget.





28.         Capital Programme Monitor 1 (18:55)


The Chief Finance Officer outlined the funding assigned to the delivery of Council projects. She noted that there had been slippage in the capital programme resulting in a decrease of £135.903 million as detailed in this monitor resulting in a revised capital programme for 2023/24 of £148.745 million.

This is mainly due to a thorough review of the timings of the capital programme to reflect latest timescales.


The Executive Member for Finance, Performance, Major Projects and Equalities confirmed that they would be reviewing all capital projects. The Executive Member noted that slippage in the programme meant that the Council would not need to borrow additional capital this year for the capital programme.





                             i. Noted the 2023/24 revised budget of £148.745m as set out in paragraph 6 and Table 1 of the report.

                           ii. Noted the restated capital programme for 2023/24 – 2027/28 as set.


Reason:     to enable the effective management and monitoring of the Council’s capital programme.





29.         Treasury Management Quarter 1 Prudential Indicators (19:02)


Chief Finance Officer introduced the report and noted that there would now be quarterly Treasury Management Prudential Indicators reports.




                      i.       Noted the performance of treasury management activity for the quarter ended 30June 2023;

                     ii.       Noted the latest Prudential Indicators set out at Annex A.


Reason:     To enable the continued effective operation of the treasury management function and ensure that all Council treasury activity is prudent, affordable and sustainable and complies with policies set.









30.         Approval of the Council Plan 2023-2027 (17:47)


Executive considered the One City, For All draft City of York Council’s corporate strategy for 2023-2027 which they were asked to approve and recommend to Full Council for final approval. The Chief Operating Officer outlined the role of the strategy in how the Council operates.


The Executive Leader noted the collaborative work between officers and Executive Members to bring the strategy together. She outlined the key priorities within the strategy including equalities, affordability climate, and health. The Executive Leader noted that the Executive wanted to be ambitious for the city but would be challenged by the current financial challenges to the Council.




                                      i.       That Council consider the Council Plan for final approval on 21 September 2023.


Reason:               The Council Plan guide the council’s priorities, providing a framework for financial and performance management, including dealing with competing demands and defining a programme to ensure best-value for residents.





31.         Capital Programme – Monitor 1 2023/24 (18:55)


The Chief Finance Officer outlined the funding assigned to the delivery of Council projects. She noted that there had been slippage in the capital programme resulting in a decrease of £135.903 million as detailed in this monitor resulting in a revised capital programme for 2023/24 of £148.745 million.

This is mainly due to a thorough review of the timings of the capital programme to reflect latest timescales.


The Executive Member for Finance, Performance, Major Projects and Equalities confirmed that they would be reviewing all capital projects. The Executive Member noted that slippage in the programme meant that the Council would not need to borrow additional capital this year for the capital programme.




                      i.       To Full Council the adjustments resulting in a decrease in the 2023/24 budget of £135.903m as detailed in the report and contained in the Abbreviated Monitor 1 Annex.


Reason:     to enable the effective management and monitoring of the Council’s capital programme.









Cllr Douglas, Chair

[The meeting started at 5.31 pm and finished at 7.07 pm].


































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